Sunday, June 30, 2013

DAY EIGHT: Relaxing & Reflecting & Realizing

Today I didn't get on the scale I had my son hide it. I really relaxed and reflected on what all I have planned for me and what is in store for me later.. I realized that we associate food with several things. If we go to the movies.. we eat. If we want to go out with the girls for a drink most likely.. we eat. If we want to we just want to have a couple night again... we eat. There is so much more that you can do besides eat.. Right now what I am seeing is that I am craving flavors not food necessarily. Just spices and flavors. I can't weight (wait) LOL!

I decided today to try out a new juice Beet Kale and all I can say is tasty!!! I love beets so this was nice and red!!!


Saturday, June 29, 2013

DAY SEVEN: Soaking & Meditating

I woke up this morning and decided to soak in the tub. I had my candles and all  and of course one of my juices! I had my son hide the scale but I did jump on it. I wanted to see if I had moved down to the 80's family and I did! I lost one pound and weighed in at 289.6 Woohoo! Even though it is only a one pound loss its not a one pound gain!!!! So I know that I need to drink more juices and I only had 3 drinks on Friday and not enough water.

Today I stocked up and sorted all my fruits in vegetables... Wooooo what a new way of life!! I am really excited about the change. Now, this picture is not showing my cucumbers but I got a big container of those too!!!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Today I felt alive I could not focus today I was out my seat and very talkative today.. It was too funny LOL! No other updates today just feeling good and feeling proud of myself. I am very proud me and I have my family's support which is great too...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DAY FOUR: WIW ~ Weigh in Wednesday!!!

HEIGHT~ 5' 7 1/2"  WEIGHT~ 294.8

Woke up feeling woke up my son and told him today is weigh in Let's Go!!! Grab the booklet and tape measure and lets get it!!!!!

  • WEIGHT~ 294.8
  • BUST~49
  • WAIST~50 1/2
  • BELLY~57
  • HIPS~54
  • ARMS~16
  • THIGHS~31

  • Bad morning... I had whipped up a juice called Tuscan Summer and it called for oranges and grapefruit which I love both but was was i thinking trying to juice the dang grapefruit peeling!!!! I had the worst drive to work that drink did not agree with me at all. I had to rush to work and put a lil bit of salt on my tongue to keep from gagging.. so I am not feeling well at the moment... I will try it again without the peeling duh!!! But for the most I have lost 8.3  pounds!!

    Tuesday, June 25, 2013

    DAY THREE: Feeling a tad bit sluggish...

    I woke up this morning feelin real real sluggish and got on that scale again!!! I know, I know but shoot it was staring at me saying get on Tam! Get on!!! So of course I got on blind folded!!!!!!!!!!!!! No but seriously I did cover my eyes. When I moved my hand it said 296.6. Well I be doggone!!!!! Tomorrow is Weigh in Wednesday.  I know I should have waited. 

    Well today was ok I had Green Pinepple juice for breakfast. MexiCali for lunch and snack due to I was running late this morning!!! Got home and had the Mean Green Juice. Its not that exciting LOL but i did need to get my greens in! I also noticed that I have gotten use to the taste of kale and cucumber so thats real good. I was super tired today but i reorganized my refrigerator and put all my veggies in their own containers and brought a real cool fruit bowl so that i can have enough room for all my needs

    I love the presentation of food so I got a few small glass bowls and cups for my work space will post later...

    Mean Green Sample and Fruit Basket

    Mean Green Sample and Fruit Basket

    Monday, June 24, 2013

    Day Two Continued...

    Ok lets back track...First I woke up late.. had to run to Kroger to get more apples this morning!!!  I had a MexiCali for breakfast then made my two batches of the Morning Green Juice and took them to work. I actually put the juices in the refrigerator and to my surprise 4 hours later they were not frozen!!! They were just ice cold. I expected the  juices to taste horrible but they didn't. Yay to that!!!  however, by 8 pm I was IRRITATED, TIRED, DRAINED!!!!! I went to the store 4 times today OMG!

    First this morning to get my batch for today, then at lunch to re-up on my stuff with Lupe, then I went to Fiesta to check out the prices of their selection... yes cheaper!!! Then my son says he hungry and needs a few things so I had to run back to the store just for him. When we got ready to take store trip number 4 I was ready to pass out. I realized then that I was super tired. I got home and snapped at everyone. I didn't want no one in the kitchen while I prepared my juice. Wooo I hated that feeling.

    So today I made the Taj Mahal for my night drink and with all that ginger it tasted like a ginger cookie shake!!! It burned my tongue and roof of my mouth!!! LOL not bad but not that good!!!!

    Well calling it a night!!! Sleepy!!!

    DAY TWO: Wow! Really?? No Way!!!

    Ok so I know they say don't weigh daily and I won't but I was just curious to see if all that flushing I did helped with all my swelling. So.. I get on the scale and O-M-G!!! It says 299.3... I got off and moved it to the other end of the bathroom just to make sure and... yes it said 299.3!!!! Which is a 3.8 pound loss!! Water weight I know it! But Yay for me. So I whip up 3 batches of juices for my breakfast, lunch and mid day meal at work. I will update later on how the juices taste after a few hours in the refrigerator.. O.o

    Sunday, June 23, 2013

    Spiced it up a bit

    So lets see.. I have been to the restroom twice and what a clean out!!! Goodness!!!! Right now just a lil irritated... I cooked for my family today and wasn't really into tasting it but by habit that's kinda what you normally do. I quickly cooked spaghetti with turkey meat and ran out the kitchen and told them they have to taste it on their own!!!! LOL Ok now that my blood pressure is down and I am not so stressed out about this juicer not being closed properly (LOL).  I decided to whip up my last batch for the night. 

    I wanted to change it up and try Mexicali from the Exceptional Juicing Magazine

    3 cups fresh pineapple chunks
    2 green apples, quartered & seeded
    1 lime
    1/2 jalapeño, ribs and seeds removed
    if desired
    1/4 cup fresh cilantro or mint leaves

    My favorite thus far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    O.o ~False Alarm~ o.O

    Green Strawberry Juice

    Ingredients:6 strawberries
    1 apple
    6 – 8 leaves kale
    2 celery stalks

    So after making this batch of Green Strawberry Juice,  I decided to see if I could reuse the pulp.

    I clicked on the switch and OMG it would not come on. I was in panic mode!!! I have bought all these groceries to do this fast, got my mind right, did my measurements and the machine is not working!!!! OMG no way!!! I mean I cant put all this in a blender. I cant start over!!! OMG!!! So we moved the blender to several outlets and still not working.

    Now mind you I was just using the base to test the outlets to see if the bottom would turn. OMG!!! Not working. I got in the car and drove to the nearest Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase another one and in the middle of me checking out I got a call from my son that said my boyfriend figured it out. It was the damn safety. He figured out that I had not locked the juicer in properly and so the blender was not going to cut on. OMG so embarrassing. I told the cashier I won't be needing the new one and rushed back home... shoot I was hungry!!!!

    Morning Green Glory Juice

    Ingredients: 4 – 5 large kale leaves
    1 large handful of spinach
    3 romaine leaves
    1 cucumber
    3 celery stalks
    1 green apple
    1 lemon, peeled (You can leave the peel on but it will taste very bitter)

    My Reaction: Taste like Cucumbers and Vinegar Juice LOL!!!
    Washed all Veggies and Fruits and peeled the lemon.
    Ran it all thru the Juicer..
    Makes 20 ounces

    DAY ONE: Let's Get it In!!!

    HEIGHT~ 5' 7 1/2"  WEIGHT~ 303.10   GOAL~215  88 LBS TO LOSE

    Face Shot 06/23/2013

    I woke up late this morning weighed in and took my pictures. I woke my son up and said Let's Go!!!

  • WEIGHT~ 303.10
  • BUST~54 1/2
  • WAIST~51 1/2
  • BELLY~58
  • HIPS~56
  • ARMS~17
  • THIGHS~32 



    Saturday, June 22, 2013

    Grocery Shopping!!!

    This morning I cleaned  up my kitchen then designated an area just for my juicer and prep area. It felt good to separate all the things I needed for my juices away from the regular things that the family uses for meals. Yes I am taking over the whole counter and I DON'T CARE!!!! LOL! I am feeling good about this. I feel like 20 years of eating bad I can eat all this in 2 months!!!  I have a spot in the refrigerator as well for my fruits and veggies so they know what NOT to touch!!!

    I went to Whole Foods and everything was gorgeous!!!  I wanted to buy all the ingredients for everyone of the juices!!!!

    But instead I chose these Juices:

    Morning Green Glory Juice

    Green Strawberry Juice

    Joe's Spring Juice

    Mexicali Juice from  Exceptional Juicing E-Magazine

    As I make them I will post the pictures of how mine turn out!!!

    I had my last real meal today but it was still healthy!!  I had made my chicken, apple, cranberry walnut salad with strawberry poppy seed dressing and lots of water.

    I watched the Fat Sick & Nearly Dead movie for the third time. Joe went 60 days just juicing and I said to myself...Yes Tam you can do this! Then went to bed. Tomorrow is the first day of my new journey..

    Friday, June 21, 2013

    Rebooting Checklist

    1. Get a plan.

    2. Get Your Questions Answered.

    3. Get support.

    5. Juice like a pro.

    6. Get inspired in the kitchen.

    7. Get moving.

    8. Share your success.


    What is a Reboot? A period of time where you commit to drinking and eating only fruits and vegetables, herbal teas and water in order to regain or sustain your vitality, lose weight and kick-start healthy habits that recharge your body and get your diet back in alignment for optimal wellness.

    During a Reboot, you’ll commit to consuming only fruit and vegetable juices for a period of time.  3 days, 5 days, 15 days, 30 days? It’s your choice!  The goal is to help you break a cycle of an unhealthy lifestyle and simply enhance the quality of your diet by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables.

    The results? Excess weight starts to pour off, your belly starts to flatten, your skin glows, you start to think more clearly, you start controlling a disease naturally rather than depending on medication, and overall you are a happier, healthier person. When you consume only juice, your system is flooded with an abundance of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that help your body stay strong and vibrant.

    Monday, June 17, 2013

    Collecting dust...

    Today was the day I decided that I was frustrated and tired of my health and my surroundings. Now when i say surroundings I am truly meaning all this outer layer around me!!! Wooo!!! Enough is enough.. I currently have a Breville® Juice Fountain® Plus and I am ashame to say that it is sitting pretty on my counter in my kitchen.I have only used it about twice a few years back and it really works. Now its time to put it to use daily with my new challenge.